Program Specialist
Mzime Ndebele-Murisa is a Freshwater Ecologist who was based in the Department of Freshwater and Fishery Sciences, School of Wildlife, Ecology and conservation at Chinhoyi University of Technology as a Senior Lecturer, Programme Coordinator and Deputy Dean respectively. Mzime’s research interests include aquatic ecology, fishery sciences, plankton ecology, climate modelling, adaptation, vulnerability and impact assessments, as well as water resources management and development. Mzime has been involved in several research and development programmes including the IDRC-funded African Climate Change Fellowship Programme (ACCFP), the DFID-funded Climate Implementation Research Capacity Leadership Enhancement (CIRCLE), the NERC-funded as well as the World Climate Research Programme-commissioned Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX Africa) and, more recently,
the CDKN-UKaid-NERC funded Future Climate for Africa’s Future Resilience for African Cities and Lands (FRACTAL) in the role of a Trainer and Evaluator, Principal Investigator and Mentor, Coordinator, and Research Team Member. Mzime has a BSc (Honours) in Biological Sciences and an MSc in Tropical Ecology from the University of Zimbabwe and attained a PhD degree from the University of the Western Cape, South Africa. She currently coordinates the Education Partnership for Innovation in Cities (EPIC) Africa network and science capacity development activities on behalf of START International. She is a contributing author to both the fifth and sixth IPCC Assessment reports (WGII) on the Africa chapters.
Joined 2018