mitigation and adaptation synergies
Climate and Disaster Resilience Community Forum in Sutojayan Village
The new community forum has allowed occupants to understand disaster-prone maps in their area, formulate and implement climate adaptation and mitigation actions at the local level.
Integrating Adaptation in REDD+ Projects – Potential Impacts and Social Return on Investment (SROI) in Malinau Indonesia
This research project explores the costs, benefits, and overall impact of integrating community-based adaptation strategies in REDD+ target areas.
Linking Adaptation and Mitigation through Community Forestry: Case Studies from Asia
Exploring the role of forests for mitigation, adaptation, and livelihoods can identify potential synergies and trade-offs.These case studies are based on local experiences in Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam in an attempt to explore how community forestry may contribute to adaptation and mitigation goals. They are exploratory and descriptive in nature and although not purporting to be representative of the region, they provide a foundation for a better understanding of these relationships. The case studies for the five focus countries are included with this publication.