Competencies CanAdapt

Climate Action Competency Framework

Climate change is a catalyst for the growth of green jobs, new workforce regulations, and education and training for a climate-changed society. 

Developing climate-focused learning outcomes in courses and micro-credentials requires guiding principles. We developed the Climate Action Competency Framework to support course developers in defining climate-focused learning outcomes, and to help organizations identify the competencies required to close their knowledge gaps to better tackle climate change issues. 

The Climate Adaptation Competency Framework, developed by Adaptation Learning Network, provides:

  • A defined set of competencies to ensure that individuals and teams have expertise and abilities to perform climate adaptation job functions;
  • A practical approach to identify skills gaps and monitor performance in organizations offering climate adaptation services;
  • Terminology for those hiring and those applying for jobs to communicate the skills, behaviours and attitudes for climate adaptation work;
  • A foundation for designing
  • Download the Climate Adaptation Competency Framework

Climate Workforce Readiness: the Climate Adaptation Competency Framework

There are many unknown implications of climate change on labour markets. However, climate change will undoubtedly have broad consequences for employment, including workforce regulations, the growth of new green jobs, and identifying skills gaps.

Competency Domains