adaptation planning
Canada in a Changing Climate Regional Perspectives Report: Prairie Provinces
The Regional Perspectives Report, led by Natural Resources Canada, provides regional perspectives on how climate change is impacting our communities, environment and economy, and how we are adapting.
Climate-Smart Conservation: Putting Adaptation Principles into Practice
The guide is designed to help conservationists and resource managers incorporate climate change considerations into their work.
PolÃtica Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático de Costa Rica 2018-2030
Esta PolÃtica se plantea como marco rector que orientará las acciones del paÃs en materia de adaptación. Nuestro paÃs adquirió el compromiso de formular su Plan Nacional de Adaptación al 2018 en el marco de su Contribución Nacional ante el Acuerdo de ParÃs de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático en Setiembre del 2015, el cual fue ratificado por la Asamblea Legislativa el 6 de Octubre del 2016.
Entry Points for Vertical Integration of Climate Action in Kazakhstan
This study aims to identify and analyze potential ways to use existing institutional mechanisms in Kazakhstan to strengthen sub-national level adaptation planning capacities.
Tools for Ecosystem-based Adaption: Online navigator for planning and decision-making
The EbA Tools Navigator, developed by UNEP-WCMC, IIED, IUCN and GIZ, is an interactive online catalogue of ecosystem-based adaptation tools for planning and decision-making.
Managing uncertainty under multiple drivers and disruptors
This Multi-Objective Adaptive Planning Framework incorporates responsive and adaptive planning techniques to manage the variety of future uncertainties, while meeting multiple objectives.
Sustainable development publications, tools and approaches
This page brings together key knowledge resources that have been produced by SDC and/or its partners, and which may be of interest to sustainable development practitioners.