Adaptation to Glacio-Hydrological Change in High Mountains
This dissertation explores how adaptation is studied in mountain systems as well as what we know about and might do to address growing adaptation needs in high mountain communities.
In the Shadows of the Himalayan Mountains: Persistent Gender and Social Exclusion in Development
This article describes why policies supporting climate change adaptation in mountains must consider gender and how it interacts with other factors such as class/caste, ethnicity and geography.
Applying the IPCC 2014 framework for hazard-specific vulnerability assessment under climate change
This paper compares the framework of the IPCC AR4 (2007) to that outlined in IPCC AR5 (2014) and describes how the AR5 framework provides a more contextualised and operationalisable approach.
Safer lives and livelihoods in mountains: Making the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction work for sustainable mountain development
This publication highlights 15 cases of good practice in development and applied research from mountain regions, and illustrates how the Sendai Framework’s four priorities can be put into practice.