Webinar: Adaptation of Silviculture Practices to Climate Change
Presented by François Hébert (DRF), research scientist at the Direction de la recherche forestière (Forest research branch) of the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts du Québec (Quebec’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests), this webinar focuses on the adaptation of silviculture practices to climate change. François discusses his research projects, each one addressing one climate risk and one strategy to manage this risk.
Webinar: Using Climate Data & Models in Forest Management
Learn about the opportunities and challenges associated with forest management and climate change, with a focus on how climate models can be used to visualise and support the development of long-term adaptation and mitigation strategies in forest environments to address climate risks.
Webinar: Quantifying the Adaptive Capacity of Tree Species and Implications for Silviculture
Recent evidence indicates that the migration rate of tree species will not be sufficient to follow their suitable climate under climate change scenarios. Accordingly, research interests now focus on the capacity of local tree populations to persist in place and cope with the expected environmental change in the next decades, i.e. their adaptive capacity. This webinar gives an overview of an approach to quantify the adaptive capacity of Canadian tree species based on four axes of adaptation.